Tempo Zero Tesoreria: APP for advance business treasury management

Tempo Zero Tesoreria

TEMPO ZERO TESORERIA for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is the APP that activates the connection between Internal and External Financial Data to the ERP, thus opening the way to reliable decisions on the economic and competitive future of your company.

It is suitable for companies that see the Administration and Accounting departments as the central core for business decisions and need to add data concerning national banking services to the information and controls, already set up in Business Central.

Tempo Zero Tesoreria extension meets the requests of companies that have to manage a multiplicity of bank accounts and relations with financial institutions.

On your desktop the complete financial information to anticipate the future of your company!

Tempo Zero Tesoreria per Erp Business Central

APP Microsoft certified

Available on

Microsoft AppSource marketplace

Tempo Zero Cloud

Tempo Zero Tesoreria: features

The connector to treasury application

Tempo Zero Tesoreria provides a connector between Business Central and the application chosen for the advance management of the company’s treasury.

This allows the CFO to know in detail and on time the status of:

  • bank accounts
  • conditions applied
  • availability
  • credit lines
  • loans
  • investments

It also allows you to make comprehensive assessments of your financial situation, anticipating how your business will evolve in the future.

Remote Banking services in the ERP

The finance section in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central already takes into account many factors that are closely related to each other:

  • the expenses made and those expected with the various suppliers (of materials, services, or outsourced work)
  • data regarding incoming orders
  • data regarding customer liquidity
  • account credit lines and loans granted by the banking system

Tempo Zero Tesoreria completes this information with that deriving from the integration with Remote Banking services.

Interlinked documents

The documents exchanged between the ERP and the treasury management APP are:

  • aging
  • accounting movements / ledger entries
  • import of past due amounts (from RIBAs) from CBI flow
  • Customer and Supplier orders
  • Master data alignment
  • Chart of Accounts

In this way, every day you will also be informed about movements and forecast flows, obtaining on-line analysis with the forecast balances, cash flows, NFP (Net Financial Position).

CFO’s dashboard

On his desktop, the CFO can have an overview of daily activities and can consult statistics on bank costs, volumes and rates.

Il Responsabile Finanziario conosce in dettaglio e con puntualità:

  • lo stato dei conti correnti e delle condizioni applicate,
  • delle disponibilità,
  • delle linee di credito,
  • dei prestiti,
  • degli investimenti.

The Financial Manager, therefore, can know in detail and in time the status of bank accounts and conditions applied, cash, credit lines, loans, investments.

Tempo Zero Tesoreria: screenshots

Searching for the item ‘TREASURY’ in the main menu, you will see all the options related to the APP

Menù Tempo Zero  Tesoreria

Vendor Sheet
Fields added in customer and vendor master data to identify information needed for the connector with Treasury.

Scheda fornitore in Tempo Zero Tesoreria

Treasury Items / Rating
In this section, the financial items and standard rating values provided for each category of customer/supplier record are shown.

vici finanziarie e rating in tempo zero tesoreria


You will be contacted by our specialists in Microsoft ERP and the Tempo Zero suite of apps. Our consultants are available to provide insights on content, features, usage modes for the benefit of your company, and for a personalized demo.


To activate the app, you need to contact NAV-lab for cost information and support regarding the download and implementation.

It’s also necessary to subscribe to the corresponding online service contract on a monthly or annual basis (SaaS – Software as a Service).

The service cost varies based on the number of users